Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mum's Got Gas!

Just in Case you didn't know

The type I need to use my torch that is! What were you thinking?
It's the school holidays here in New Zealand (why did she just roll her eyes?). I have had to wait for 2 weeks to get gas for my torch and now she says that she is too busy this week to supervise me at the torch.

I want to make some stringers.... and some beads if I have to (she's still being bossy when it comes to that). Mum said that she has ordered me some pink glass - she looked at me kind of funny when I told her that my new favorite colour was aqua last week.

We have new neighbours. They have young noisey children, that are naughty and scream a lot. The other night they kept running up & ringing our doorbell then running away again before we got to the door. They play in the shared driveway right out side OUR studio (she looked at me funny again just then!) Mum says that even my constant chatter is better than the noise the neighbours kids make....she also said we can play Sing Star & Guitar Hero with the ranch sliders open late at night in the summer.